Solution to the Case of the Dead Child Beauty Queen

Bugs may have known a little bit about astronomy, but fortunately for the Ramseys, Encyclopedia knew a lot more. Encyclopedia knew that at the latitude of Boulder, Colorado the Canis Minor constellation can be viewed only in the months of February and March, not December when JonBenet was killed.

Tripped up by his own story, Bugs confessed, but not before trying to make a break for it. Bugs didn’t get far before Sally chased him down and flattened him with a right cross. Bugs said he only meant to scare JonBenet to keep her from competing in pageants, so that his sister, Regina, could win enough prize money to pay for a black market kidney for their mother, Ludmilla Meany.

Unfortunately, Bugs went a little too far with his threats and accidentally killed JonBenet. Then he hid JonBenet’s body in the Ramseys’ wine cellar and wrote the ransom note, hoping that the police investigation would center on the Ramseys themselves as the most likely suspects. This seemed like a good plan, given that parents are involved in nearly 95% of all child homicides. But Bugs hadn’t counted on the money and influence that Mr. Ramsey used to stonewall the Boulder police. Nor had he counted on the Ramseys hiring the smartest ten-year-old in the country, Encyclopedia Brown.

After Bugs was safely in police custody, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey took Encyclopedia and Sally out for ice cream to celebrate.

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