For 39 days, twelve people who've never met will be stranded
on a tiny island off the coast of New Jersey. They will be
stripped of the conveniences of modern life, including cell
phones, laptops and smoothies. The island, which is nearly
impossible to get to by bridge or by tunnel, is swarming with
hostile natives, who cope with the chronic shortages in affordable
food, shelter, clothing and movie tickets by killing outsiders
or at least making them feel hopelessly uncool.
To find the necessities of life, the castaways must
form their own subculture of power brokers, sycophants and
gossips. But they can't be too nice to one anotherat
the end of each episode they will decide over cosmopolitans
which one of them is too much of a loser to make it on the
island. This person will be sent immediately to Hoboken. When
only two survivors remain, the victor will be selected by
the maitre d' at Moomba. He or she will win a rent-controlled
apartment in a doorman building with a view of Jerry Seinfeld's
In each show, the survivors will be given a specific
task that they must complete with or without the help of their
fellow castaways, such as walk through Washington Square Park
without appearing in a student film. Those who succeed will
be rewarded with things to make island life more bearable,
like cocaine. Those who fail must do without and console themselves
by making fun of the ones who succeeded.