
George Washington
becomes Americas first non-Jewish president.
John Adams becomes
Americas first non-Jewish president since George Washington.
Thomas Jefferson,
a man, is elected president. Though not technically Jewish
(his mother is a non-Jew), Jefferson remains in power nearly eight
years. |
James Madison's
term gets off to an exciting start when it is revealed that Madison
is a follower of Jesus Christ, the religious luminary.
James Monroe is
elected. His vice president, Daniel Tompkins, looks vaguely Jewish
if you close your eyes and imagine a typical Jew.
John Quincy Adams
takes office. Though historians believe Adamss penis did have
a foreskin, the general consensus is that it could have been removed
without jeopardizing his ability to govern.

More like Anjew
Jackson, if you know what a pun is. If not, just Andrew Jackson.
America chooses
Martin Van Buren and Richard M. Johnson as its president and vice
president. In this way, Van Buren and Johnson are chosen people.
William Henry Harrison
serves a mere 30 days in office before being kicked out for dying.
His dying words? "<silence>." (Notice no mention
of Jesus.)
Former vice president
John Tyler continues where Harrison left off, but without a VP of
his own. Sounds like some kind of Old Testament fable.
James Polk has a
dream involving a man with curly hair. Perhaps his father?
Zachary Taylor is
sworn in. Presidents are sworn in over bibles. Bibles are a crucial
part of Judaism. Are you thinking what Im thinking?
Millard Fillmore
chooses Hebrew as the official language of internal White House
memos. Either that or EnglishI cant remember. But you
get the point.

Franklin Pierce
outlaws the eating of pork on burning flags.
James Buchanan considers
turning the Oval Office into a Star of David by adding a series
of triangular closets, then decides it might blow his cover, then
does it anyway, then gets yelled at by Vice President John C. Breckinridge,
then takes a shower, then changes it back.
Abraham Lincoln
abolishes slavery. Ancient Egypt, anyone? Anyone? Well, Im
Andrew Johnson "becomes
a man" (is elected President of the United States). Johnson
turns out to be the best 13-year-old leader ever.
America elects Ulysses
Grant, the general who single-handedly won the Civil War by smiting
the South with a rock.
Rutherford Hayes
begins referring to his advisors as "mensches" and then
rewrites "The Star Spangled Banner" to the tune of "Matchmaker,
Matchmaker," a song written by Broadway composer Jerry Bock
more than 80 years in the future.

James Garfield is
assassinated on July 2nd. Mosess death occurred on the same
date. Coincidence? Youll have to ask the lady who strangled
both Moses and James Garfield.
The Jewish religion
is created. Based on a combination of Christianity and Islam, the
faith is hailed by Tikkun Magazine as one of the five most important
inventions of 83. President Chester Arthur writes an angry
letter to the editor in which he entirely agrees.
Grover Cleveland
dresses up as a rabbi for Halloween and goes trick-or-treating in
Eastern Europe.
Benjamin Harrison
volunteers as co-producer for the first internationally telegraphed
Hanukkah reality show. Unfortunately, its ratings sag after the
6th night, and it is promptly canceled.
Grover Cleveland
rises from obscurity to serve a second term, much like his savior
did. Excuse me: much unlike his savior did.
William McKinley
stages the American-Spanish war as an elaborate ruse to distract
Spaniards from the Spanish-American war. Ruse rhymes with shoes,
which rhymes with truce, which rhymes with glows.

Theodore Roosevelt
gives a State of the Union address in which he vows to eliminate
what he refers to as Americas "uncertainty about whether
Im Jewish."
William Howard Taft
replaces baseball with dreidel as the national pastime. Upon learning
the news, Sandy Koufax decides to postpone his birth.
Woodrow Wilson takes
office. His first executive action? You got it: something demonstrating
that he was a Jew.
Warren G. Harding
is elected. The G stands for Torah.
Though he is by
no stretch of the imagination Jewish, President Calvin Coolidge
keeps kosher and abides by the 613 laws of Orthodox Judaism that
were passed down by his ancestors.
Herbert Hoover uses
the Abraham-Isaac story as a metaphor for the stock market crash.
In Hoovers metaphor, Isaac represents the American economy
and Abraham represents a war debt/tariff policy that reduced foreign
markets for domestic goods and an easy money policy that led to
excessive credit and market speculation. Abraham leads Isaac up
Great Depression in order to slay him, but at the last minute God
whispers, "Oopsdid I say sacrifice? I meant subsidize.
Franklin Delano
Roosevelt plagiarizes hundreds of future speakers by saying, "The
only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He does this in
a thick Yiddish accent.
FDR welcomes tens
of refugees and takes action against concentration camps within
years of learning about themsurely more than a gentile would
ever do.

Truman drops a bomb
by telling his parents, "Im marrying a shiksa."
The bride? Nagasaki. The parental response? "We just want you
to be happy, son."
Israel gains independence,
becoming the first country dedicated to serving as a homeland for
U.S. presidents.
Dwight Eisenhower
changes his name to President Eisenhower in an attempt to obscure
his ethnic roots. Meanwhile, the Rosenbergs are executed.
Out of respect for
both John F. Kennedys honorable legacy and his tragic passing,
there will be no jokes involving Mr. Kennedy in this piece.
Lyndon Johnson rapes
a bunch of disabled orphans.
Richard Nixon was
a terrible crook, just like every Jew I know. I am a neo-Nazi computer
hacker who broke into the server and changed only this entry; I
wanted to make a point, but I didnt want to overdo it. Anyway,
there are many more like me out theremostly ignorant, often
confused, always dangerous. The Internet provides a safe haven for
us, and we must be watched carefully. Ta ta!

Gerald Fords
penis is accidentally circumcised when he shows up on time for his
scheduled bris.
Jimmy Carter names
his pet dog "There Is A Great Legacy of Jewish Presidents."
Though unwieldy, the name is a hit with canine-loving historians,
who appreciate both its historical accuracy and its cuteness.
Ronald Reagan, a
former screen actor, moves into the White House. Did you know that
Hollywood is run by future presidents?
George Bush takes
office thanks to the millions of Jews who choose not to form a humongous
barrier around his motorcade, an action which surely would have
prevented him from reaching the inauguration.
Not many people
realize that Bill Clintons wife, Judith Cohen, is one-quarter
America, we have
a difficult decision to make, as there are many good arguments against
both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. But seriously, lets
evaluate Senator Lieberman on the basis of his strict adherence
to the Talmud rather than his overall Jewishness, OK?
guys are the best. |