I really wish
I didn't have to write this letter, but I'm afraid your
deplorable behavior throughout the tour has made it necessary.
I'll have to admit I was never that crazy about you being
part of the "Up in Smoke" family. I put my reservations
aside when Eminem assured me that you were a group of
stand-up guys who would be willing to carry equipment,
sell tickets, work the concession stands and clean up
after shows, in addition to performing. However, things
started to go wrong right from the start when you showed
up for the tour orientation video fifteen minutes late
and positively reeking of marijuana. You then proceeded
to spend the entire video snickering derisively, ruining
the video for both yourselves and co-workersa video
which, need I remind you, was made to benefit everyone
on tour.
I would have
been willing to overlook your disrespect, but I soon realized
that such behavior was the rule rather than the exception.
Not only did you show a complete lack of team effort by
refusing to perform the aforementioned non-music related
tasks (unlike Eminem, who has been a perfect dear during
the tour, bless his heart), but you also held noisy parties
that regularly lasted well past the 9:00 P.M lights-out.
Now I'm a firm believer in allowing hard-working employees
to blow off steam, but I couldn't help but
notice that your party guests frequently included female
dancers, in clear violation of the tour's ban on fraternization
among co-workers, and I have reason to suspect that some
of your soirees involved illegal substances. More importantly,
though, the noise often disturbed Tray Deee of the Eastsidaz
during his special alone time.
On a personal
note, I and Snoop were both completely appalled at how
disrespectfully you acted during the showing of my concert
video. You know, a lot of people worked very, very hard
to create that montage of topless women performing sex
acts with me. You kept talking all the way through it,
and I understand that some of the backstage crew couldn't
hear the line Should I do this muthafucker?a
line which is integral to understanding the liquor-store
holdup scene.
I was also
dismayed by your refusal to memorize your stage banter.
I didn't hire legendary gagsmith Stanley Bergman (who
has written banter for the likes of Sammy.and Liza) just
for you to ad-lib wildly onstage. Needless to say, rap
fans come to a show to see professionals giving a carefully
rehearsed performance, not a bunch of belligerent dopers
wandering aimlessly. This is not appropriate behavior,
and it will not be tolerated.
it has been brought to my attention that you have been
using extremely graphic and sexist language in front of
the women on our tour staff. This is not acceptable. Rapping
about keeping bitches in check while onstage is one thing;
creating a hostile and threatening work atmosphere is
another entirely. I've also learned that you repeatedly
use derogatory, queer-unfriendly terminology in your interpersonal
conversations. This is similarly unacceptable, and Kurupt
and Xzibitboth of whom volunteer regularly for AIDS
charitieshave let me know on more than one occasion
just how much they don't appreciate your hate-speak and
Lastly, I
just wanted to let you know that I didn't appreciate your
habitual absence during the tours mandatory nightly
prayer meeting. If you didnt want to pray, you could
have just observed a moment of silence, but it was mandatory
for a reasonto build teamwork and character, two
things you could learn a little about.
Swifty McVeigh,
Kuniva, Proof, Bizarre and Kon Artis, I hate to do this,
but I'm afraid you're going to have to leave the tour.
You know how I dislike confrontation, and I'd like to
give you one more chance, but, to be honest, I've offered
your spot to a performer with a much more harmonious energy
than you've brought to the tour. The fabulous Miss Diana
Ross will be taking your place, and I feel sure that she
will not only bring more positive spirit to our enterprise,
but that we will also be able to save on food and lodging,
as it is written into her contract that her backup band
must sleep at the bus station and scavenge food from garbage
Please leave
your badges and identification cards on my desk by Thursday,
and let me know if you need a letter of recommendation.
Peace Out,

Dr. Dre