I don't want Bush or Gore to win...
Dear Secretary Harris: In the recent election whose results are now in dispute, George W. Bush and Al Gore each received 49 percent of the popular vote. According to the only just and proper interpretation of election law, it is therefore incumbent upon you to determine that Bush's votes and Gore's votes cancel each other out, leaving John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party the victor. Awarding the presidency to either Governor Bush or Vice-President Gore would violate laws clearly stated in the Eeny-Meeny-Miney-Moe code, section 19a.iiic, which deals with backsies and dibs. It can be proven that Mr. Hagelin "called" the Presidency a split second before any of the other candidates, notwithstanding their "jinx" challenge. We urge you to defend the rule of law and not bow to special interests who would like to see a return to the days of "One potato, two potato." Sincerely,
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