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Stand-Up Comic
by Woody Allen

If you like the idea of reading Woody Allen, imagine hearing him talk. After you finish Without Feathers and the other books we've listed, the experience of listening to the author's recorded voice will be mind-blowing.

Holidays On Ice
by David Sedaris

"Santaland Diaries" is the celebrated feature of this tape, but we're partial to "Seasons Greetings to Our Friends and Family!!!" and "Front Row Center with Thaddeus Bristol," because they're just so, so wrong.

The Remains of Tom Lehrer
by Tom Lehrer

Combine the wit of Weird Al, the subversiveness of Dr. Demento and the rhyming skills of Adam Sandler, then smash that monstrosity into a million pieces and buy this Tom Lehrer box set before it's too late.

And It's Deep Too!
by Richard Pryor

Many experts say Richard Pryor is a very funny man. Who are we to disagree?

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