Most common name for a girl: Mary
Most common name for a boy: Farnsworth
Average penis length: 72.1 years
Most popular hair color: Neapolitan
Most popular per capita outcome: eventual bitterness and/or complacency
Most popular overall: Alicia Hunter, Baton Rouge, LA
Biggest Fear
Number of illiterate Americans: 0
Number of armless Americans: 0
Number of Americans allergic to paper: 0
Number of Americans no longer living: 0
Slice Options
Most populous state: probably California or some shit
Most common marital difficulty: lack of spouse
Best appliance store: the one with the greatest selection and lowest prices
Favorite part of Census 2000: helping policy makers get an accurate picture of American demographics so they can better allocate monies and resources
Least favorite part: waiting for the results!
Bad Math