Pornography often gets a bad rap, but it is the insatiable desire of the American public for sexually-explicit entertainment that creates many of the technical innovations the world relies on.
Why, if not for pornography, VCRs would still be the size of dorm-room refrigerators, and sell for $2,000 each. Early-adopters purchased expensive first-generation video cassette recorders just to watch porn at home. The revenue generated by the sale of those primitive machines allowed electronics manufacturers to do further research and development. This R&D in turn led to better, more compact videocassette technologies.
Todays miraculous DVD video technology is becoming a standard because of its innovative use in the pornography field. Multiple angles? Chapter-by-chapter indexing? All thanks to porn, my friend.
Even the Internet, the magical network that connects computers all over the world, wouldnt be what it is today if not for the hard work of horny programmers, desperate to find a way to trade grainy .gif files of naked women.
Next time you send an e-mail to grandma, remember to thank your lucky stars for porno!