POP STAR MARIAH CAREY recently made headlines by running naked through a Long Island shopping mall while zonked on Boones Farm, lithium and OxyContin. No, waitthats next month. This month, Carey made headlines when EMIs Virgin records division bought out her multi-album contract for a whopping $28 million (roughly enough to pay her entourages phone and clothing bills for three months). Does paying her so much make any business sense? Analysts have suggested that EMI is attempting to sabotage Mariahs career lest their decision come back to bite them on the ass like some sort of strange, ass-biting creature.
Below are some of the more suspicious and degrading stipulations the label worked into its buy-out of the legendary screeching enthusiast.

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Who Let the Dog Out?
Aint Nothin but a Gangsta Termination
of Limited-Term Employment
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