WIDELY REGARDED as a master of irony, O. Henry didn't stop writing after "Gift of the Magi." He steadily produced novellas and short stories, many of which were unpublished at the time of his death in whatever year O. Henry died. This masterful sequel to "Gift" has never seen the light of day until now. No, wait a second...now.
Gift of the Magi 2:
Revenge of the Magi
"Hey honey." said Jim. "Remember how last year, you sold your hair to buy me a watch fob, and I sold my watch to buy you a set of combs?"
Della stared dreamily into space.
"Of course," she said with a loving sigh. "Seeing us both give up beloved personal possessions to make the other happy cemented our love, showing that our relationship goes beyond material items like watches."
"Yes. Of course." Jim said half-heartedly. He was actually thinking, At least you got to use your present after your hair grew back. What the hell am I going to do with a watch fob?
Della gave Jim a big kiss. "I love you more and more each day, honey."
Um, yeah, me too. But since we love each other so much, what do you think of deciding on presents beforehand? You know...just to avoid any unnecessary mix-ups."
"Of course. Anything to make my man happy." As big as I, the writer O. Henry, am on irony, Della wasn't being the least bit ironic when she said that. "What do you want?" she asked.
"I don't know. Maybe a watch?"
"I'll take a bonnet, sweetie."
Jim was at the store, looking for a nice bonnet to buy for his wife for Christmas, when he came across a highly expensive watch that looked exactly like the one he sold one year ago. You know what, screw the bonnet. I'm getting my watch, thought Jim. Della always screws up my Christmas present anyway--she'd probably just buy me another watch fob or something.
On Christmas morning, Jim opened his present from Della:
"It's a watch!"
"Yup! Just like you said."
"Well, son of a bitch," he muttered to himself.
"Where's my present? Della asked.
"Oh. They were out of bonnets," explained Jim, as he handed Della her present. "So instead, I got you a watch that looks exactly like mine."
"Oh." Della said.
Della tried to float the idea of them both wearing similar watches at the same time as a sign of their undying affection, but Jim was too busy telling time to notice her.

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